Monday, April 14, 2014


Words to live by ...

Happy Monday!

Friday, April 11, 2014


This Weekend, Why Don't You ... 

Learn What OT Is

I realize that while I have shared a little about graduate school, I have not actually stopped to explain what I am studying. By this time next year, I hope to be a registered and licensed Occupational Therapist. What does OT do? Well, we do a lot and while I know I need to work on my "elevator speech," I found this video that sums it up nicely. 

Happy Friday!

Wednesday, April 9, 2014


Matilda Moment ... What Remains

When I was younger I went through a Matilda phase. I would carry a book with me everywhere. While my parents were super proud that I was becoming a little bookworm, they were appalled when I would try to read at restaurants (that's a no no in terms of manners). Nonetheless, they allowed me to buy every book in sight if I promised to read at appropriate times. Even now I have a very hard time walking into a bookstore and not grabbing at least three books at a time to buy. Thank god for Kindle. As my first Matilda Moment share, inspired by my recent trip to the JFK Library and Museum, I have chosen What Remains: A Memoir of Fate, Friendship, and Love by Carole Radziwill. You may recognize the author's name but a fluffy reality tv read this is not. This memoir is a beautifully written story of a woman who came from humble roots, created a successful career, and married a man who happened to be a prince. It has all the makings of a fairy tale but is punctuated with great tragedy. It's exciting and extremely heartfelt, and if you're like me, will reduce you to tears.

Monday, April 7, 2014


Weekend Recap

Have I mentioned how much I love family time? Because I. LOVE. IT. and THEM. Living across the country has been a challenge but it makes the time we do spend together that much more special. Of course, Patty came in being her most fabulous self and left me with multiple words of wisdom ("You should really take up piano and French this summer to round out your cultural education"). Dad thought I was freezing him to death for fun even though I explained to him that 50 degrees means spring in Boston (he lives below the equator). Nick, the musician, fell in love with the Beehive in the South End because who wouldn't? We all are so different and yet, kinda exactly the same. There was a lot of hugging, talking about childhood memories, and of course jokes ( or "yokes" as my accented parents say). It was the best.

Stay: The Copley Square Hotel (family loved it)

Visit: Boston Duck Tours // JFK Library and Museum // Newbury Street

Eat: Island Creek Oyster Bar (my favorite place in all of Boston) // The Beehive // Papa Razzi // The Merchant // The Met Back Bay (Build Your Own Bloody Mary)

Mom and me (I?)

Dad trying to keep it together in the "cold."

Samuel Enrrique and Samuel Nickolas. 
Yes, that's two R's. We love our double letters in this family.

Not even a little embarrassed about this one. 
Who say's you can't be a tourist in your home?

Hope you all had just as good of a weekend and happy Monday!!

Tuesday, April 1, 2014


On My Mind ... Spring Shoes

2. // Joe's Pump

I cannot begin to tell you how excited I am to see the tops of my feet again 
after months of wearing boots. Happy feet, indeed!