Thursday, May 22, 2014


Dusting Off ...

Hello again old friend. I feel terribly guilty for the almost month (eek!) of neglect. I promise to never do that again. But it wasn't my fault, I swear! Life got the best of me and you know, sometimes you just gotta take the ride. And it really was a good ride (vacation, graduation, family time). The only down side was that my poor little corner of the internet was ignored. But I'm back and ready to get this party started again!

If you're still out there (whoever you are), thanks for sticking with me. 


Anonymous said...

I was wondering…..:) lol

Kristtyn said...

I think you are my most avid reader! Thank you Marlies, see you in a few days :)

Laura Charlene said...

I will forgive you! :) Just glad you're back and I'm catching up on your posts.