Saturday, June 22, 2013


Hello, you!

Today I am finally sitting down to start this project. I have had the idea now for a while but have been a little timid to put it into action. There are many wonderful blogs out there and who knows if the world really needs another one! But let's see how this goes, shall we? The name of this blog is in reference to my beautiful mother, Patty. She is the inspiration for this blog because from style to home to relationships, this woman has an answer for everything! Her Peruvian roots and American lifestyle have led her to a very traditional yet very modern way of life. Even my friends know that what "Patty says" is usually dead on. So for today, I wanted to share a few of her life tips.

Patty Says:

  • Never leave the house without earrings ... Even if you are just running errands, earrings are a must! I can't tell you how many times she's made me go back inside to put mine on.
  • It may seem old school, but knowing how to set a table is a must ... I once set the table and put the water goblets in the wrong place. Patty almost fainted. 
  • The most important relationship is the one you have with yourself ... I'm sure you've heard this one before but it's a good one!
Patty a.k.a. Mom


ericahr said...

It's happening! So exciting! Way to actually put words to paper - fabulous start!

Victoria said...

Love it! And now I'm never leaving the house without earrings. :)