Tuesday, June 24, 2014


Have You Heard About ... Bla Bla Dolls

I'd like to start off by saying that no, I don't have kids. However, my life is currently full of little ones and I have to say I like them a lot. I like them so much that recently my shopping has expanded into toys. This could be weird but kids have birthdays and allegedly they like presents (although one could argue that the tissue paper is the real gift, have you ever seen a toddler with tissue paper? Hilarious). Due to a recent birth, I was on the lookout for a unique gift that would be appropriate and that had nothing to do with electronics (yup, I'm gonna be that mom). I had seen Bla Bla Dolls on my Instagram feed and thought they were adorable. So when I ran into them during a day trip up to Portland, ME I knew had to get one.

As I pointed them out to Patty, she stopped and told me how she had hand-made me a few dolls when I was little too. Just as I'm asking her where said dolls are now, she goes "Look! These are made in Peru too!" It was such a lovely moment for us that I swear we almost bought 3 dolls, one for each of us and one for the gift. I made her promise that when I do have children she must buy them Bla Bla dolls.

Me and the ballerina I fell in love with.

With love, Kris

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